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Requesting CD-i Magazines/Publications Promotional Materials

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:53 pm
by Devin
As anybody who knows me would tell you, i'm completley MAD about promotional items when it comes to Video Gaming. So if you have anything remotely promotional for the CD-i then i'd be interested in a trade be it objects or press releases. Here's a brief list of the kinda things i'm looking for but not limited just to these things specified:

CDi Magazine USA Version
Burn:Cycle Alarm Clock (Distributed through McNo as a promotional item)
ICDIA Publications
Interactive Engineer
Philips Media Press Releases
Philips Media Promotional Items (Especially for Games)
McNO Brochures
PmPro Brochures

...and anything inbetween that lot really :wink: